The Full Cup
One of the seediest drinking holes in Waterdeep, this battered place is used by bad-tempered drovers and carters. Most are too exhausted to fight when they get here, which is for the best. It's a small, dim place dominated by a long bar with stools and an impressive, but largely dust-covered, selection of bottles behind it. There's almost always a pile of the remnants of smashed furniture outside the front door.
The Full Cup is notable for three things: the brawls that occur here with distressing regularity, the truly incredible cold winter drafts that send icy fingers stabbing into every corner of the place, and the bowls of hot buttered mushrooms (1 cp/large wooden bowl) grown in the tavern's own dung cellars. The dung is largely from the horses and oxen that crowd the streets around, and lies several feet deep in the noisome cellar.
Those who know how to discreetly ask the proprietor (and pay about 5 sp/item) can have items hidden under the dung for a month or less. After that, the hider forfeits the item. Be warned that the city watch searches here regularly for stolen items and the like and once found a buried skeleton with a dagger in its ribs. Patrons merely grunted as the bones were being carried out, "Errh. Someone who didnt pay up."
Proprietor: Gulth Djanczo is the Full Cup's proprietor, and a nasal-voiced, coldly polite weasel of a man.